hrp0095p1-82 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

Cardiometabolic Health in Adolescents Conceived by Assisted Reproductive Technologies: Preliminary Results from the Munich heARTerY-Study

Langer Magdalena , Vilsmaier Theresa , Kramer Marie , Sciuk Franziska , Kolbinger Brenda , Jakob André , Rogenhofer Nina , Dalla-Pozza Robert , Alexander Haas Nikolaus , Sebastian Oberhoffer Felix

Background: Since its introduction in 1978, assisted reproductive technologies (ART) have been widely used to treat infertility. Worldwide, over 8 million children have been conceived by ART. Literature suggests that ART-adolescents potentially display altered vascular function. However, data concerning the cardiometabolic impact on the vascular function in ART-adolescents is limited. This study aimed to investigate the effects of blood lipids and HbA1c-levels...